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Using Items

To start using Items, click on the "Item Attributes" tab.

And choose the "Yes" radio button. 

Once you enable the items you will have a predifinded Attribute for items which is Title.
If you want you can add more Attributes. The same way you add general addon Attributes.

*For our example we will use the predefined "Title Attribute".

Click on the "HTML" tab.
Select your items HTML and CUT to the clipboard using ctrl+X .

 Once you have cut your items HTML, click on "put_items" on the right panel.

Scroll down to the "Addon Item HTML" section.
And paste your HTML code using ctrl+P .

Leave only one Item HTML in the code.

Erase the part you want to be an editable field and click on the Item Attribute on the left pannel.

Click on the "Update" button to save.

No when you edit your Addon in the Visual Composer page builder you will have a new tab called "Items" where you can add new items and edit existing ones.