Addon Creator Support Center

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How To Create Your First Addon

Click on the "Addon Creator" menu item on the WordPress side menu. 

Click on the "Add Addon" button.

Input data in the "New Addon" Popup and click the "Add Addon" button.
The  Addon Name field allows only English words, numbers and underscores (for example "my_addon").

Click on the "Edit Addon" button

Click on the "HTML" tab and paste your HTML in the editor.

Click on the "Update" button to save.

On the WordPress menu select "Pages" and click on the page you want to add your Addon in.

Click on the regular + icon to add a new Addon inside of Visual Composer.

In the Visual Composer add Addon popup move to the "Addon Creator" tab. 

Click on your Addon.

Click the "Update" button to save, and on the "Preview" button to see your new Addon.